Because a fancy photographer needs a fancy website.


Photography Website Design for Aydin Arjomand

Aydin handles all of our photography - special events, product shoots, fashion layouts, funny hats. When he decided he needed a brand new photography website design (it was time to get rid of the old flash site), of course we were going to help him out as best we could. We even offered to give him his very own section right here on pondsoup. But when he described the full presentation he had in mind, we knew he needed his own, customized WordPress web site to showcase his fabulous photography in the way he envisioned, and allow him to maintain and update the site quickly and easily.

We started by helping him to edit his extensive portfolio selections down to under 100 images. We/He works with Diageo, Chaus, Rubin Singer, Wally's Wines, Nike, Knight Security, and many other fashion, CPG, and lifestyle companies. It's natural to want to show everything and it is hard to explain to photographers about website server loads, page speeds, and other technical issues, but it affects them and they need to be aware - you can't just put 3mb images all over your site and expect it to perform.

Once we had a manageable portfolio structure, we selected a WordPress theme that allowed us to create the photography website design he envisioned. We considered a custom theme build, but timing, budget, and design dictated we utilize a pre-built theme. We customized it to specifications, gave his copy writing a polish (it's difficult to write your own biography statement), integrated his prolific instagram feed (to avoid us having to have to change his profile picture every 2 weeks with his moods), and voilà - a brand new website.