Thoughts, Advice, & Observations

Over our years of experience in branding, marketing, and development matters, we have picked up knowledge and insights that (we think) are useful to our clients - whether in understanding how our services work, how to improve aspects of their brand positioning, or the best ways to approach projects. Take a read through - you might find it interesting or informative, or recognize why so many of our clients, are our clients.

Wordpress media library interface showing usage of alt-text

Taking Advantage of Alt-Text: SEO and ADA Compliance

It is a quick and easy element to implement, makes your website SEO-friendly and more accessible, and requires almost no technical abilities whatsoever; yet over half of all websites don’t include alt text for images.

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Person using a specialized trackball interface to use a website with a slider

Navigating Website Sliders: Balancing Design and ADA Compliance

Color influences how we perceive the world, emotions, and interactions in everyday life. From the vibrant red of a sunset to the calming blue of the sky, colors can evoke specific feelings and associations. Studying color psychology looks at the relationship between colors and our emotions, revealing how different hues can impact people’s moods and […]

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A pantone color book spread out to reveal all the colors

What Color “Means”

Color influences how we perceive the world, emotions, and interactions in everyday life. From the vibrant red of a sunset to the calming blue of the sky, colors can evoke specific feelings and associations. Studying color psychology looks at the relationship between colors and our emotions, revealing how different hues can impact people’s moods and mindset. Let’s take a look at the emotional spectrum of colors and the feelings they can evoke.

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Computer Keyboard with an "Accessibility Testing" key where Shift would be

Overview of an ADA Accessibility Audit for a WordPress Website

You have to prioritize website accessibility to ensure equal access to information and services for all individuals, including those with disabilities. Hard stop. Conducting an ADA accessibility audit for a WordPress website is the first step to identifying and fixing barriers that may limit accessibility.

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Wheelchair ramp ascending, yellow background, illustrating ADA compliant web design services

What are ADA Compliant Web Design Services?

Designing an accessible website for all users  ADA-compliant web design services is the practice of creating and developing websites that adhere to the guidelines set forth by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the standards in the Website Content Accessibility Guidelines. pondSoup specializes in ADA compliant website design services, please contact us for a […]

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panorama pink flowers of water lilies on a pond

Color Contrast and Website Accessibility

Working with the WCAG to create inclusive website designs One of the most obvious issues we see with website accessibility has to do with color contrasts and combinations. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, provide recommendations and standards for web designers and developers to create accessible websites including the contrast ratio between text and […]

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Accessibility Icon of figure with outstretched limbs superimposed over an ADA compliant keyboard

7 Ways to Improve Your Website’s Accessibility

Making a website ADA compliant starts with the design and content When planning a website redesign or visual changes, it is essential to ensure those changes make your website accessible to everyone. By hewing to the WCAG (Website Content Accessibility Guidelines), you can ensure your website is accessible to all users. Here are seven ways […]

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A blind person using a brail keyboard to illustrate the concept of ADA website compliance

Why Should a Website be ADA Compliant?

There are good reasons to make and keep your website ADA compliant beyond the legality  In today’s digital age, websites are an integral part of our daily lives. They are a primary source of information, communication, and transactions for people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds. However, not all websites are accessible to everyone, particularly […]

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Websites designed and developed by pondSoup's team of website developers

Why hire a web development company?

Considering a website redesign or upgrade? Here are a few reasons hiring a web development company will improve your results.

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21 Alpha Property Management ADA Compliant Website Design and Development

3 Ways to Speed Up Your Website

Website performance and speed is determined by a number of factors. Here are 3 you can easily control to improve your site performance.

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