Here's where we brag
pondSoup's senior creative team has too many years of experience in brand development to calculate (for both our copywriter's math skills, and our egos'). We're experts in most aspects of brand strategy and marketing. Take a look, see what you think, get in touch. If our glittering personalities don't persuade you, our work is fairly impressive, as well.

Tom Figura

Deborah Strafella

R.M. Marquez

Aydin Arjomand

John Demas

Ethan Eichrodt
We're a well-heeled assemblage of former big-agency creative, development, and strategy-types who decided to apply our skills and expertise to brands we can whole-heartedly support, instead of being told which brands to support. We knew each other through various walks in life (school, work, music, "the poke"), and got along well enough that we stayed in contact even after those walks had ended.
We realized that we collectively had the skills to assemble a formidable branding and creative team. After we formed that team, we realized we execute to a level that 95% of other brand development and marketing agencies can't or don't - the little details that cumulatively constitute the difference between a beloved brand, and an also-ran.
As you can see from our work, pondSoup's creative team does a lot of different things, for a lot of different clients. But each brand is unique. Let's develop a brand building strategy perfectly suited for your business. The sooner we start, the sooner you reap the rewards.